It's all about the details to big arms! It's all about the focus

Source: Time:2018-03-22 10:46:20 views:

As I'm sure you already know, narrow bench press is a good base for triceps and can handle heavyweights. Beginners who practice narrow bench press will gain triceps faster than those who obsess over isolated movements.

As I'm sure you already know, narrow bench press is a good base for triceps and can handle heavyweights. Beginners who practice narrow bench press will gain triceps faster than those who obsess over isolated movements.

However, the actual technique of narrow bench press is no less than that of conventional chest bench press. The techniques you need to consider include:

1)Free Weights or Smith Machines?

2)How narrow is the grip?

3)Should the elbows move close to the torso or away from it?

4)What is a reasonable level of pressure on the wrist?

Mistake # 1: Using Smith as a free weight.

The Free Weight is carrying out the barbell, moving to the chest abdomen above, and then carrying on the bench press.

Smith machine is putting chest and abdomen under the bar, and then to the end of the bar.


You can't use a free weights position on a Smith, and then you pick up the bar and realize that the power isn't there, and then you move your body over and over again. It's a waste of energy and not safe.

Mistake 2: Not holding tightly enough.

For Novices, the most disciplined approach is to use a full grip, with a slightly narrower grip than the shoulder. Any grip wider than the shoulders may be too strong for the pectoral muscles.

When you have some training experience, use a semi grip, and try a few extremely narrow grips -- the pressure on the inside of your wrist increases dramatically, and you need to use your semi grip thumb for extra support to relieve it.

Mistake # 3: The elbow position is erratic.

At the foundation stage, it is recommended to use the elbow against the trunk, so that not only your lateral triceps head under significant pressure, but also the medial head and the long head can also be stimulated.

If the elbows are splayed away from the torso, you'll turn it into a special exercise that stretches and strengthens the lateral head in a very limited position.

If the elbow is erratic, sometimes against the trunk, sometimes away from the trunk, which is the wrong action. And it means you don't have any conscious control over your elbow. Remember that the narrow bench press is elbow-oriented and should not be erratic.

Mistake 4: Not Adjusting your wrist.

Because of the structure of most Smith machines, you have to do a large wrist "twist" after lifting the weight to separate the Rod from the frame and prevent the snap of the Rod from hitting the frame.


This also means that after a big twist, you are likely to be in the "over-pressure wrist" state. You need to reposition your wrist to be neutral before you can perform the bench press comfortably.


It's also wrong to "put your wrist up-completely neutral" during a bench press, which can inhibit elbow flexing to some extent, resulting in less centrifugal contraction. Therefore, the ideal wrist position is "slightly pressure wrist, not completely neutral. ".