• 7 ways to make your Stair Master to next level

    You may always use treadmills and elliptical machines and ignore stair master. So how to use this heart-pumping cardio to make the most of your stair-climber workouts. 1) Maintain your Posture To put strain on the right parts of your body-the glutes and hamstrings instead of your back-slow ...


  • Please try these cardio workout when you feel s...

    Warm up for five minutes. Do the speed bursts here at the fastest pace you can safely maintain (power walking, running, cycling, using the elliptical or stair climber) for the given duration. Cool down for four minutes.


  • Why your left side of your body is weaker than ...

    You may notice that your left side (or, if you're a lefty, your right arm) is weaker than your right while grabing a pair of dumbbells.


  • Why you need cardio machines all the time?

    For beginners, the importance of aerobic training should be as low as possible, most people before they start to try fitness, they have a lack of resistance training, but the type of aerobic training will not be particularly unfamiliar. As a result of the initial training, they put too little eff...


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