Why you need cardio machines all the time?

Source: Time:2022-06-03 09:16:12 views:

For beginners, the importance of aerobic training should be as low as possible, most people before they start to try fitness, they have a lack of resistance training, but the type of aerobic training will not be particularly unfamiliar. As a result of the initial training, they put too little effort into their own shortboard.so they need to focus on improving strength levels and muscle mass.

For beginners, the importance of aerobic training should be as low as possible, most people before they start to try fitness, they have a lack of resistance training, but the type of aerobic training will not be particularly unfamiliar. As a result of the initial training, they put too little effort into their own shortboard.so they need to focus on improving strength levels and muscle mass.

For those with higher levels of muscle and strength, it's much easier to downplay aerobic training and focus on reaching your goals, regardless of how much you can improve.

It should be easy to imagine that for the same maximum weight, the same amount of training at the same intensity, the more physically fit the trainer, the more relaxed he or she will be. Resulting in less stress, and you'll need shorter breaks between groups, which will save you time and allow you to complete more workouts in the same amount of time. Plus, aerobic exercise is great for improving your cardiovascular health, increasing blood flow to your muscles, and also relieving stress and improving your mood.

So if you want to achieve long-lasting strength and muscle level improvement, your physical fitness level will have to go along with it, of course, you don't have to be able to run the 1,500 meters in five minutes or run a marathon, but you do have to have muscle soreness the next day, or 10 minutes to run the 1,500, that's your problem.

It's not easy to reprogram and get used to aerobic exercise if you've been neglecting it, but just as you would with strength training, do it gradually, starting with a form of fatigue accumulation and lower difficulty, slowly increase the difficulty and duration, and you'll be able to handle it quickly.