The world's most effective workout routine! Did you get it right?

Source: Time:2019-10-09 10:41:49 views:

Step into an activity or interest that you enjoy. There's always a lot of prep to do. When you go to the gym, it's the same thing. Before you go to the gym or practice at home. Be sure to follow the correct fitness steps. Start burning off the fat and sweating.


Step into an activity or interest that you enjoy.

There's always a lot of prep to do.

When you go to the gym, it's the same thing.

Before you go to the gym or practice at home.

Be sure to follow the correct fitness steps.

Start burning off the fat and sweating.

This can be more effective fitness, and effective protection of your body.

1. You should have these things ready before going out.

Proper clothing and shoes: Before you go to the gym, be sure to change into professional fitness equipment, sweatpants, sports shoes, etc. Do not wear everyday clothes and shoes, because the degree of comfort can not meet the body's large-scale exercise. To participate in heavyweight training, also ready to protect: Waist, wrist, and so on.

Choose your favorite music in advance; it's better when you're doing cardio like running.

2. Get the right amount of energy before you hit the gym.

Start energizing your body half an hour before you hit the gym. Give your body enough energy to support activities such as hydration, energy, and protein. You can eat whole wheat bread, bananas, milk, protein powder, and other low-fat and healthy foods.

3. Warm-up before workout

Before any exercise, warm-up and stretching are necessary actions to avoid sports injury to the body! It can Wake up the body organs and muscles, improve heart and lung function, and blood circulation. So it leads your body into a state of early exercise.

Warm-up exercises, such as simple stretching exercises, treadmill jogging, or spinning for a while, are generally done with light aerobic exercise. Move the body muscles and organs, the body slightly sweat or feel the sense of movement. 10 minutes is enough.

4. Exercise sequence for effective fat burning

Fitness exercise is divided into anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise. It is recommended to follow such a fitness sequence, the burn fat shaping effect is better.

Do the basic movements (multi-joint, free weight, medium, and high loading) such as barbell squats, dumbbell bench press, then do the safe movements (multi-joint, fixed equipment, medium, and high loading), such as fixed equipment chest bench press, leg lift, etc.

Then for the action: (single joint, small and medium loading action) such as dumbbell bending, and so on.

Next up is the core area, abdominal muscle training. Finally, It's aerobic and HIIT training.

Why do anaerobic exercise before aerobic exercise?

From the strength point of view, doing the warm-up, is the physical strength at the best period. For strength training, it will have sufficient physical strength and energy.

From the effect of fat reduction, anaerobic exercise can burn excess glycogen in the body first. And then carry out aerobic exercise, and burn fat. So burning fat is better.

Established 2 models: 30% anaerobic time + 70% aerobic time. Or anaerobic time accounts for 80% + aerobic time accounts for 20%. Anaerobic exercise includes equipment training. And aerobic exercise includes the treadmill, elliptical machines, dynamic cycling, etc. 

5. Exercise time control

For fitness beginners, do not exercise too much intensity or randomly lengthen the exercise. Controlling it in 1 hour or so is more appropriate. If the intensity is less or less difficult action, it can be adjusted in 2 hours.

6. Rehydrate during training by taking small bites several times

Exercise will cause the body to sweat, and sweat will take away a lot of salt in the body. Drink a small mouth many times. Avoid excessive sweating to make the body's salt loss, prone to cramps, and other symptoms. Drinking lots of water to speed up metabolism will increase water metabolism and circulation, increasing the burden on the heart and lungs.\

7. Stretch after workout

In order to avoid this, you need to complete the stretch on time after your workout. Especially you want to maintain a nice, well-proportioned muscle tone, rather than a stiff, muscular feel.

To alleviate sports injuries and post-exercise soreness, stretch about 10 minutes.

8. Don't eat right after your workout

After a workout, your body may feel tired and hungry, but you can't eat right now. Do not eat until at least 30-40 minutes after your workout.

Because after exercise, the body's organs are working.blood is also in the rapid circulation, which will naturally lead to reduced blood supply to the gastrointestinal region after exercise. At this time to eat, the stomach can not work properly, it's not conducive to the timely digestion and absorption of food. Often eat immediately after fitness, easy to lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

9. About the shower

After a workout, don't shower right now. Because after exercise, the body's circulation and metabolism speed up.

If a wash cold water bath, unfavorable to the recovery of muscle, it still can affect blood circulation. If a hot bath, high-temperature room oxygen shortage, easy to lead to the brain, heart, and other parts of hypoxia, insufficient blood supply, dizziness, weakness, and other symptoms.

Take a shower 30 minutes after you hit the gym.